Friday, September 12, 2014

Update on Stingless Bees at CVSU

Second Colony... the bees look fine 2 days after the transfer.  I have no idea what these bees are doing outside... they are not doing anything... I also need to move them to a better location but I have not build a platform yet...

This is actually the upper super.  The main hive is below.  This is a chunk with small pieces of brood which i accidentally chopped off or fell off the main brood.  The divider has two holes the size of the main entrance.  Maybe I should clean this up and put the brood pieces at the center and the propolis chunk around the sides...  but this bees are nasty... I think they marked me for life!

First Colony... same as the second colony, lots of bees outside doing nothing...  Last time I looked, they have pretty much fill up the box to the ceiling... is it time to split?  But I do not have a divider in between the supper...

at the upper rear of the hive

a bee frisking a strange orange visitor... 

Now Agent Lukot, should you wish to accept your third mission....dum! dum! dum dum dum!!!

I thought I should look around the area and look what I found!

I think this one is biggie!  Look at the flight tube on this one!

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