Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Recovering 2nd Hive of Stingless Bees at CVSU

I was a bit hesitant hauling up my "stingless bee recovery gear" this morning to the university.  It was drizzling this morning and was raining the other day, but I did bring it.  I commuted in circles from CVSU to Tagaytay to Amadeo and then back again at CVSU, Indang. There was a heavy fog at Tagaytay late in the morning with a little bit of rain. And it was overcast at Amadeo when I arrived and by the time I left it was already drizzling.  I arrived ad CVSU for the second time this day and I was observing the sky while I was having a quick lunch at the University Mall.  It looked like it had rained at Indang when I left.  By the time I made my way to NCRDEC to picked up my things at Sir Diloy's office, the Sun showed itself, and by the time I have donned my bee veil, dark clouds have moved in again.  I decided to push through with the recovery.  But I don't think this one went on as smoothly as first one.  

First, the original box hive was in such a terrible shape and lots of bees were already outside.  I was afraid that if I carry it somewhere else, the bees will prematurely swarm.

So I decided to work on that area standing up over rough ground, with very tiny working area, being very very careful not to move around and slip or trip and fall on some sharp rusty metal.  Plus it was not well lighted.

The moment I touched the hive, the bees started swarming out.  I decided not transfer the flight tube immediately, which was a big mistake.

Because by the time I finished transferring the colony to the new box, there were several pieces of the old hive lying around and I can no longer find the flight tube.  Lots of bees have already found their way into the veil and were already attacking my neck.  It also started to drizzle.  I had to retreat and failed to attach a flight tube.  This could be the reason why the bees did not immediately went into the new box hive.  They kept on swarming around their new home not entering.  I also realized I forgot to seal the hive with tape.  It was already around 4 pm and I had to leave for home.  When I left, lots of bees were still flying around, and when I left the campus ground the heavy rain started pouring... poor bees... I hope they know how to find shelter.  The colony is small compared to the first one. This one only occupied the first super.  I put a divider on top of the first super and added another super hoping that I can split them in the future. 

Sorry I only have a few photos.  I was all alone this time and had no photographer to document the transfer.  Hopefully, this will bring in some new people to help me out during the next transfer.

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