Monday, August 4, 2014

Foragers Returning Home...

Yesterday, I saw several returning bees with white globules of pollen sticking on their hind legs, and decided to film them.  It was the first time I saw some bees bringing home some pollen after I installed the duplication hive.  And I think they found a lot of pollen yesterday and took advantage of the short sunny hours they had. They are coming from the left, where the hive entrance is, and will head towards the right where their actual hive is.  The bees do not march directly towards the hive, but instead walked back and forth around the tube before finally making their way into the hive.  It could be that they are telling the other bees where they found the pollen grains, but I am not entirely sure.  Whatever their reason, I had fun watching them.

Stingless bee returning home with pollen grains

Video Clip:  Part 1

Video Clip:  Part 2

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