Thursday, October 16, 2014

The One-Straw Revolution...

The moment I got my library card at CVSU a few months ago, the first book I searched was Masanobu Fukuoka's "The One-Straw Revolution".  I was very glad that the library's data base showed 6 copies of the said book.  But none of the six copies can be found.   I practically searched all the shelves, checking each book one by one but I did not find the book.  Even the librarians from the Circulation, the Filipiniana, and the Reference section all helped me rummage the shelves but we found no copies.  Finally, one of the head librarians told me that the books may have been donated to other schools, after all, the book was printed 1978 and it was old... very old.  But she did promise that she will look into the matter and notify me as soon as they find the book.  Then, a week or two ago while searching for a book in soil fertility, something caught my eye.  I have searched that shelf several times and it was not there before.  They finally found it!  I love this book.  I ordered a copy at Amazon years ago.  I am very happy that an agricultural school like the Cavite State University has one.  If I can have my way, I will have all agricultural curriculum centered around this book and have the all the Principles of Natural Farming sown into the heart of every student!

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