Sunday, April 27, 2014

Variegated Yellow Bamboo and Guyabano Seedlings...

Variegated Yellow Bamboo (not 100% sure), the one in a black plastic bag (center) is alive and well.  Several long branches have already developed and two shoots emerged from the left side of the culm.  The cutting was planted March 15, 2014 during the bamboo propagation seminar at Carolina Bamboo.  When I planted the cutting it has no leaves whatsoever!  And this is just a little over a month.

On the lower right is a Hedge Bamboo which I will use for border fencing.  Got 5 of them.  Quite excited to transplant them at Amadeo, Cavite.  But I have to wait for the rainy season to arrive!

Also planted some guyabano seeds a few weeks ago and they have sprouted.  They are a bit leggy but I think they are ok. I think one is developing a set of true leaves.

Some seeds just beginning to sprout...

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